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    克兰弗德 第二季 Cranford Season 2 (2009)

    最近更新: 2021-09-12 第2集


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      • 该测试由服务器自动执行,对每个线路下的第一个视频,使用2个国内和美国的代理节点分别进行一次播放测试
      • 线路运营方可能会对播放地址进行不定期的调整或修复,所以测试结果不是永久有效的
      • 对于海外网络,由于服务器只使用了美国的代理节点进行测试,所以并不能代表其他国家网络下的播放效果
      云播放的线路得分 有??人反馈

    Season 2, Episode 2 Though Peter is still in Cranford Matty now lives alone. Following his wife and baby's death in childbirth Jem goes to Manchester for better work prospects and Mary moves to London to pursue her writing career. Following Lady Ludlow's death her greedy son sells land to the railway company and wealthy in-comer Buxton also lets its construction onto his property. His unpretentious son William angers him by falling for lower class Peggy Bell - whose shifty brother Edward is Buxton's land agent - and also by working with Captain Brown on the railway. Mrs. Jamieson's widowed sister-in-law Lady Glenmire arrives in Cranford and, to her snooty relative's annoyance, is charmingly down-to-earth, captivating everyone, notably Captain Brown, whom she marries after a whirlwind courtship. Edward Bell steals money given him by Buxton to compensate families made homeless by the railway building and goes on the run.He is killed in a train crash which also injures Harry Gregson, fleeing school bullying, but Miss Galindo nurses Harry back to health and becomes his landlady, permitting him to attend day school. Jem returns with his daughter and, as Peggy and William prepare to marry, everyone attends a Christmas magic show at Cranford's newly-restored Assembly Rooms.



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